Technical Consultancy: LNG Terminal Safety Report

An LNG facility was required to submit a detailed process safety report to the regulator to satisfy the Seveso directive.
InSite Technical Services provided a multi-discipline highly experienced team to work in consultation with the client’s Safety Manager. The assigned team spent time on-site interviewing key client personnel, as well as carrying out frequent face to face reviews to gain the client’s input and approval as work progressed. From review of the previous report and discussions with the client’s Safety Manager, extensive opportunities for improvement were identified and agreed. The safety report and relevant drawings were revised accordingly.
The close link between the InSite team and the Safety Manager maximised the use of the client’s knowledge and skills, without distracting them from their operational focus. The safety report and modified drawings were completed in time for a thorough review and approval with the client before publishing and submitting to the regulator. Follow on support available to assist in responding to queries from the regulator.